Pierce Park Greens

Pierce Park Greens is a walk-on facility, there’s no need for tee times – just come out, check in at the clubhouse, and enjoy your round!

Green Fees

9 Holes: $15

Re-round: $10

Junior 9 Hole: $10

Push Carts 9 Hole: $5

Electric Cart 9 Hole: $15

Range Pricing

Small Bucket: $8

Large Bucket: $15

Mega Bucket: $23

ProV1 Bag: $25

Punch Cards and Memberships

Large Punch Card: $130 (10 Large Buckets)

Small Punch Card: $60 (10 Small Buckets)

Hours of Operation

9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Phone Number: (208)853-3302